By 2025, a full-cycle metallurgical plant operating on "green" technologies will appear in Russia. The Ecolant complex will be a major consumer of gas and iron ore and will be the first step for the Russian metallurgy towards global decarbonization.
From four to eight billion euros annually, which KPMG estimates could cost Russian exporters the introduction of cross-border carbon regulation in Europe, which has been scaring carbon-intensive producers for several years. So far, there is no clear understanding of what this “tax” will look like, but it will not be long to wait: the EU plans to adopt a number of regulations in June. They should lead Europe to the ambitious goal of becoming the first climate-neutral continent by 2050. To do this, it is planned to reduce emissions across the EU by at least 55% by 2030 compared to 1990 levels.From 2023, the EU will impose a tax on imported products with a high carbon footprint. It includes raw materials (oil, gas), refined products, cement, fertilizers, metals, etc. If the production of such products exceeds the limits set by the EU, the supplier will have to pay a tax. According to experts, almost half of Russian exports could be subject to such a tax. This will cost domestic suppliers, according to various estimates, in the amount of 6 to 50 billion euros annually.
Starting in 2025, after the launch of Ecolant, the Vyksa plant will start producing important products for the fuel and energy complex and the transport industry: large-diameter pipes, seamless pipes for oil and gas production, railway wheels and plate for shipbuilding, which will be produced mainly from green " become. A low carbon footprint, compliance with the global and national CO2 emission reduction agenda, high steel purity and efficiency will become a competitive advantage for the Russian manufacturer in foreign and domestic markets.
“Environmental friendliness, while maintaining and improving the quality and operational characteristics of products, makes it possible to avoid additional customs and tariff regulation (environmental duty) when delivering to European countries and other countries that apply similar regulation,” says Dmitry Chernyshev, Strategy and Investment Director of the United Metallurgical Company, the main future consumer of "green" steel "Ekolanta". — Deliveries of steel from this complex will strengthen the competitiveness of Russian products, thereby creating new opportunities for the development of domestic metallurgy. After the launch of the Ecolant complex in Vyksa, our country will be the first in Europe to have a large-scale production facility, where high-tech metallurgical products of high added value will be produced from ore and natural gas at the same production site.”
Full text on media website.